Monday, November 19, 2007

National Day

I generally define my days in terms of movies, music, tv shows (shocking, right?). Today was definitely a National day. It was rainy, but not raining, cold, but not the magical winter cold; haunting, beautiful, effable only in terms of the National album "Boxer." Thanks to my brother for introducing them to me, by the way. Anyways, it's not just Matt Berninger's elegiac voice, or the fact that he reminds me of Leonard Cohen, whose book "Take This Longing" was in second place for describing today, it's the fact that the album not only aptly describes the day, but is also essential to that day's existence.

Not only did I say "today is a National day" I also proceeded to listen to the album all day long, knowing that when next November rolls around, I will be thinking of the day I only listened to "Boxer." In late fall 2004, for example, I was constantly listening to a mix my brother made for me, featuring "King of the Rodeo" (Kings of Leon) and "Evil" (Interpol). Those songs and that time in my life are forever linked, and that relationship allows me to easily recall memories and track moments of my life via pop culture morsels that are ultimately way cooler than I was at that time, or could ever hope to be. However, that accessibility also makes me realize what a creature of habit I have become.

Let me illuminate: for the last four years, October the 24th has been an LOTR: Fellowship day. How do I know that? Because when Frodo is at Rivendell for the first time, upon waking Gandalf greets him by telling him where his is, and the date: October the 24th, and upon hearing this I always say: "What a coincidence, that's today's date!" And, for the past three years, I have proceeded to say "Oh my god, I watched it again on the exact same date. Weird." Despite the changes that occur every year (sorry if that sounds like a "your first period" pamphlet), I always end up watching that movie on that day. Either October the 24th requires an epic story of hope, friendship, adventure, fantasy, etc. or my need for LOTR is like clockwork. Maybe a little bit of both. Will I be watching LOTR next year on Oct. 24th? Stay tuned to find out.

In conclusion (cop out phrase, I know) Thanksgiggity is upon us, and I will be spending most of my break baking, eating and catching up on all the tv shows stupid school has made me miss. So far I have been able to watch a lot of The Office (3rd season, I know I'm behind!) and 30 Rock. Tomorrow is Project Runway, my plan for Thursday is to watch a lot of movies on tv, and Friday I will have a marathon of the last Curb season, which I unfortunately had to stop watching half way through. Stupid being a student and having no money for HBO. Oh, there will also be a lot of Scrabble tournaments, prepare to be Bingoed Kai!

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