Saturday, November 10, 2007

Week's Worth of Entertainment


Our guest blogger's computer is currently down so you will have to wait on the special holiday blog but until then here's a new post to tie you over.

Firstly, shout out to Rachel for mentioning GDK in her blog. She is my fairy-blog mother and if you want to check out a pro, you should go here:

So I thought that since this is a pop culture blog I should keep you informed of my viewing/listening/reading activities. I know that it has not yet been a week since my first post, but I am very busy tomorrow so Christmas has come early! Before your jaw drops in awe of the amount of media I consume, keep in mind that I am also a student (last year of college!), I work at an art gallery (Tandem Press!), and I do have hilarious friends, and a wonderful boy who loves Star Trek. In other words, I do leave the comfort of my couch, occasionally...

Went to: Bee Movie (GDK approved), Vanaja (also GDK approved, and bonus, fulfills my "cultured" movie quota for a while)
Watched (I have an extensive DVD collection): Pleasantville, 40 year-old virgin (Judd Apatow is my hero, I even sent him a movie I made once-more on this later) Anger Management (after the Jack Nicholson post this is what I ended up watching)

The Simpson's Halloween, Family Guy (discussed previously)
How I met your mother-amazing, as usual: always GDK approved
Samantha Who-got curious, watched a couple of episodes: pretty lame but Jean Smart is good, she plays a character like Lucille from Arrested Development, but you know, not as good
Seinfeld, Season 9, reverse peephole: such a good episode, aren't they all though? The fur coat, George's wallet, Jerry's European Carry-All, Joe Mayo-Comedic Perfection
Grey's Anatomy: I can't tell how I feel about this show. I am watching it so clearly it has some sort of value but the only thing I got out of this week's episode is the realization that Katherine Heigl was totally in that "Wish Upon A Star" movie that always played on the Disney Channel. Good times.
Friends: I watched a couple episodes from season 5, research for my holiday specials blog.
LOST: I am just finishing season three. Uncharacteristically I jumped on the band wagon pretty late, but all I can say is OH MY GOD.

Want to watch:
Heroes, Curb (I don't get HBO at the moment), It's always sunny in philadelphia, old episodes of Wild and CrAZY kids, so many celebrities appeared on it as kids!!!!

Listening to:
MGMT, N.E.R.D, The Kinks (I have been totally brainwashed by Darjeeling Limited previews), Weezer (as previously mentioned), The epilogue to Harry Potter 7, as read by Jim Dale-it just makes me SO happy, The National, Leonard Cohen, Voxtrot, Fresh Air on NPR, Madonna

The Onion, Foxtrot, Get Fuzzy, a bunch of lame academic books, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell

That's all for now, it's actually been an unusually light load this week; Thanksgiggity is going to be a different story. A holiday where everyone gets Thursdays off and just eats and watches television? Incredible.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

WISH UPON A STAR! I watched that movie ALL THE TIME! Oh man, I never realized that was Katherine Heigl.

I decided not to watch any Samantha Who. It looked cheesy.

Last night I talked to Lesley for a while and we both agreed that your movie marathon is going to be legendary.

I hope your show went well tonight; sorry I didn't go.